
I dun't have a scanner, so I use my phone to take pix. Forgive me if quality not that good... =.= 
Feel free to comment with my blogpost! ^^

This is me first time I do crossover.
There's Megurine Luka, Marissa from Touhou and APH Spain~ :)
Ivan's Bday Present 2012

Steampunk Hetalia~ :D
Guess who's who~ :)

I missed this movie~ It's almost been 7 years since the release of this film...
I have to admit, this is one of Tim Burton's best~ :)

Corpse Bride's Emily and Victor :3


MEIKO - 悪食娘コンチ一タ
Used poster colour, color pencil, Artline 1.0 marker and Uniball 0.1 liner.


Miku's Birthday is finally here again~ So I drew her something for the 2nd time. ^^
Used poster colour to paint and GIMP to edit this.

I actually thought of starting a series on Wattpad.
I got the story in my head, I just need to think of a nice cover and title for it~ :3
Here's a teeny spoiler~ :D

First pic I edit with Photoshop CS2 and GIMP.

Art homework~ Teehee :3
Book Cover Design for 悪ノ娘 - 鏡音リン

Calcium Miku Bacterial Contamination
Jolinn's Bday Present 2012
I used watercolor pencils on this, I'm quite proud of this one. :3

Servant of Evil
Gosh~ Watch to much of its PVs... Sobs TT^TT

Here's to Miku Hatsune! Happy Birthday! ^^

APH Europe Ladies
From left: Liechtenstein, Belgium, Ukraine, Belarus & Hungary

Hungary from Axis Powers Hetalia
( Haha I drew this on my table so yeah it does look scratched up... )
(Oops I forgot to rub it off, I guess the person who's gonna sit there next week is going to rub it off anyway so *sobs* TT^TT)


It's a Vocaloid song crossover.
Rin: Syncroncity
Len: Servant Of Evil
Miku: Cendrillon (I could have drew something else....)
Luka: Magnet
Meiko: Alice Human Sacrifice
Kaito: Cantarella (Should add more detail... )

Sebastian Micheallis from Black Butler

Babydoll from Sucker Punch