There's really been tons of homework lately, SPM ish~ ><
Last week at Kinokuniya, I found Vol.8 of le Quarterly Pixiv magazine. What's so special is that not only it's Miku Miku Miku :D, it comes with a Miku Hatsune Cheerful Ver. Nendroid~ OMG!! XD
There was a 20% off and costs about RM92, wasn't sure if I should buy it at first. After a week later, I decided to buy it instead. Now Kinokuniya is not a place where you can guarantee you'll see the thing you want a week later, so it's best you reserve it. So when I went there yesterday...
IT'S GONE!! NO!!!!!!!! ;(
I had to place an order for it, now I have to wait for 2 ~ 4 weeks for it to arrive so I can and collect. But by that time I'll miss the 20% off benefit~ DANG! ><
Well just to cheer myself up and consider my trip to Kinokuniya a waste, I bought the 3rd 深夜食堂~ Whew... ^^
Anyway, Belinda started this exam system in our group where our juniors Form 1 & 2 just play 龙腾 solo part and me and Belinda give points and comments. This is kinda le first time I had to be a judge for this sort of competition/exam and well, I did my best to comment and give marks~ Belinda honestly told me le Form 2 kids didn't seem to take this exam seriously and played real lousy, I had to agree with her. >:(
Here's le results and comments I gave~ orz...
I think lately I've got kinda addicted to Calcium Miku~ So I tried to draw her... Argh I drew her mouth pincers wrongly... ><
Me lunch today~ I haven't been to Pudu to eat this delicious bowl of Wonton noodles lately, mom and dad just took away one for me *tee hee*.
ねこちゃんつまらないです~ にゃん.... :3