Sunday, September 16, 2012

Books ♥

Yeah I visited Kinokuniya at KLCC yesterday~
Wanna get into books and escape the tension of SPM Trials~

So when me and Yi brought Eri to Kinokuniya, she introduced me this book and said it was actually detective stories although the cover didn't seem to bring me that message. I'm interested in cracking what's that book~ So I got it in Chinese~ :3

The Chinese Name is "推理要在晚餐后", written by a famous Japanese writer Tokuya Higashigawa. It's about a lady detective who comes from a rich family and mostly after she tells her butler what happened that day during dinner, he would tell her to solve the mystery after dinner. I like the cover design, the colors are pretty. :) I will buy the 2nd one if this is good. :D

I also went upstairs to explore the Art & Design section and this book also caught my eye. It's called "Fill In The Blank: An Inspirational Sketch Book". I peeked inside and it consisted of objects that needed to be decorated by you. Quite funny and nice but it's sold at about RM70+ O_O...

You can learn more about the book here~

I also visited the Japanese section to see if they have anything new and spotted the 5th Volume of the Axis Powers Hetalia comic. It looked so WONDERFUL~ And features my favorite character on the front cover~ HUNGARY!!!!! *O*

If only I knew Japanese~ T^T *Procrastinating~*

That's much of what caught my eye at Kino... Back to studying~ ._.

I also managed to finish up my 悪食娘コンチ一タ drawing. Had to go on Wikia to check on their clothes design~ I recently got addicted to this song, have no idea why... ._. Also, I thought this was one of MEIKO's best. :)

Oh yeah, I changed my FB timeline appearance... Wonder if u get what it means...
You know the part where Ib had to choose between following her fake mom or Garry~
Yeah you get the point~ :P

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