Friday, September 14, 2012

SPM Trials Week 1 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Oh all that studying and taking exams is killing me~ >_<
At least I get 4 days off, having that Friday is our school centenary celebration holiday, then Saturday is weekend break and Sunday is Malaysia Day which results Monday also a holiday.

Great~ :3

So I'm just gonna give a little recap on the subs I took for this week~
And trust me I'm flipping tables for every subject, because they are completely ridiculous.

  • Pendidikan Seni Visual:
    The 2nd Paper, which we have to create an art piece based on the question, wasn't so bad. Although my eyes went blurry 2 hours later, I still manage to get through with my whole drawing. In fact, I also did something I always don't do with my drawings, which is adding shadows. Oh yeah~ :D
    Now for the 1st one, which is objective questions, that one really suck. Gawd the teacher took the questions from the middle part instead of the basic bits, that made everyone really angry. Still I'm glad I got 21 out of 50~ Phew... ><

  • Bahasa Malaysia:
    I have no comments towards this one, for the Komsas part 2 out of 3 questions are from Form 4, so busters~ /( -_- /)
  • Ekonomi Asas:
    Hope I can get good marks for this, it's the best sub this week so far. While I was filling up my Esei with answers, I keep sulking at the boredom I'm put upon~ Wanna flip le table orz~
  • Sejarah:
    Sure fail la~ Kena flu that day also~
    Sigh.... ._.
  • Pendidikan Moral:
    Gawd I forgot all the "nilai" and "kata kunci"~ ><
    Hope I still can get A~ GAWD~ ><
  • Add Maths:
    Paper 1 was fine, it was Paper 2. Before we went in for Paper 2, our Maths teacher took a peek at our question papers and simply smiled evilly. Our invigilator told us that our Maths teacher said that it's gonna be an unexpected turn of events~ Sure enough~ she was right.... *_*
    Already the easiest simultaneous question for Section A killed us all instantly~ SO UNFAIR... DUN WAN US GET MARKS~ GODDAMN IT...
    Section C was fine, although the Index Numbers question was quite a challenge. Linear Programming is ok. Section B... Dun mention it, I end up doing Trigonometry after ditching the Statistics one, having that I dun understand a f**king thing it said~ Section A too~ T^T

So yeah that's basically what happened for the past few days. Curse all le subjects that trolled me~ ><
For the past few days, you can feel the unhealthy atmosphere around the classroom, as everyone passed the flu around, and I end up catching it...

With Week 1 over, it's time to deal with Week 2.
Week 2 isn't so bad, but still I MUST NOT GIVE UP!! *O*

Meanwhile, Arcana Famiglia is reaching it's final episode next week. I'm putting up a bet here, either Felicita wins or no one wins the Arcana Duello at all~ Hope I'm right~ :P

Gawd I like deadmau5's new song~ Got le "umph"~ :D

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