Sunday, September 23, 2012

SPM Trials Week 2 ( @TT@ )

Great! The torture has come to an end~ Well not for long but at least it's the end of that crazy exam...

So after a 4-day break of "not really" studying, it's back to school on Tuesday to continue our SPM Trial.

Let's go through the subs I took:
  • 华文
    I just hope there's some improvement in this one, it's kind of easier to me.
  • Science
    Unlike past SPM papers, thsi trial's objective section is more detailed... God~ @_@
  • English
    Not too bad for me... I hope this goes well... My only A I'm confident in getting... ._.
  • 电脑This isn't even a SPM subject, I didn't focus so much on it the night before. Ah well~ >_<
  • PA
    The objective is fine, but the next part... Oh TT^TT
    My Penyata Penyesuaian Bank is only the best part, the rest are just shit, especially the Perkongsian one. I kind of forgotten the format and end up peeking in front~ >_< AH THERE GOES MY 90 MARKS~
    But I think I can still get a spot at 纯商, I just hope my Ekon is doing fine... =_=
  • Maths
    In 2 weeks of SPM Trial, I like this one. In fact everything is going quite smoothly, although I kind of forgotten the surface area formulas. Orz~ But never mind, I'm cool, hope I get 90 for Paper 2...
So that's about it... I'm free!!!! XD
Time to suck balls till SPM! ><

I like this Green Tea Cream Frap~ <3 Nice!

Cut to the chase, my costume for this CF just arrived, need to do some alliterations but it's quite cool~ :D

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