Friday, April 29, 2011

Lil' Serious Issue~

It's not going to be funny so U CAN SKIP IT!!

So, in Sr1A, I sit beside the class monitor, and he usually finishes his homework really quickly and he's always the 1st to hand in. Let's take Add.Maths or Book-keeping for example, he's finished most of the maths teacher give and he's almost done with the BK book.

Then everyone's reaction was obviously like annoyed. They are all like " Hey, teachers are always saying you finished it first, can't you at least stop? "

Well here's what I really think, I don't find it such a big deal. I don't mind, if he wants to hand in early then ok, sure, no one's stopping you. What's the big deal? You don't get extra marks right? I mean, some people also speed up in their studies right?

But maybe the teacher should stop saying things like: " Oh, your class monitor has almost finished everything. "

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