Sunday, July 29, 2012

日本学生来我家! :3 (Part 2)

Hm~ Nothing much on Thursday for her, as they went to visit the clubs in school~
So I'll just speed up to Friday~

NO WAIT! I taught Eri Chinese on Thursday~ LOL ><

Our school held a farewell party on that day as the kids are leaving on Monday for Malacca. So I kinda took a lot of shots with the students and the teachers too. :3


Ah~ This teacher is quite friendly~ :3 Me spoke Nihon-go with her a bit too...

Li Jun (Right) also hosted a kid too. That sensei taught English for 8 years at that school~ O.O

Riko (Left) hairstyle look like Rukia~ LOL O.o

At 3pm, we head for the canteen as the party is held there. 梁副 gave a speech as a start, his English not bad~ O.O

After the teacher from the Japanese school gave her speech, it's time to give away presents. Me and Eri peeked in what she's given and guess what? Stuff from 科学营 which includes a pen holder, a notebook and a shirt. Stock clearance huh? LOL~ ><

The only nice looking thing school has offered~ A pen holder... O.O
Oh this lunch is heavenly... *O*

Munch time~ Most of us hosts haven't ate anything for the whole day, so we're counting on this as lunch. ><

Now mom planned to get Eri a baju kurung that day, so after the party ended around 4.15pm, we went to Central Market.

Hoho I'm caught~
Eri said some of the stuff were cheap and she did bargain at one stall. For the whole time, mom put her bargaining skills to good use and me and Yi just trolled to the max~ ._.
Actually we didn't buy baju kurung for her in the end, we bought a summer dress for her, at least it's better. :3

Apparently she shot one thing one photo, so here's something she bought~

We went to Secret Recipe for dinner~ We also mentioned about the fasting tradition Malays are having now. She was amazed~

Secret Recipe's Lava Cake~ Ok for me.. :/
I may not be a tourist, but I did get something from there. Take the Facebook and Blogger badges for example... teehee....

Thank gawd there's no school~ So me and Yi planned to bring her to KLCC and Pavilion on Sat~ Hoho! XD

Oh yea~ Although I tak kena NS, Yi did~ O.O

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